Excited to be (re)opening up this portal for connection & community via a private subscription-based instagram. I had the ping to host a private IG awhile ago when I was in a season of newness & bloom. But once I opened it, my growing pains were too much to talk about so freely, I was still learning and growing and stirring and I couldn’t formulate my thoughts or feelings in a way that felt helpful. So I closed it awaiting a more aligned time. But now, ah sweet now. I’ve grown into my wings and figured out how to fly this mother, so alas - a new place to run wild and free and bizarre and beautiful with you. <3

I view this space as a way to hold hands with you in a more connection-driven way, with purpose and the belief that those who are drawn to the space are meant to be apart of it.

A space for intentional and exclusive attention - to you, to the journey. I’m excited to hold space for more in-depth conversations, for a place to strengthen our intuition and shake off masks we’ve outgrown, to grow & expand, to be an open book for those on a similar journey, to be a friend, and to bring you along the journey of me becoming more and more me and pursuing bigger and better things.

The goal: to feel nourished by belonging, you and i.

price : $7.77/month. 777 is believed by some to be associated with personal growth, self discovery, intuition, and is also considered lucky. So, felt right.

cancellation : you can cancel anytime and re-join anytime <3

vibe check : we’re all just humans living an experience that we call life. come engage or observe, but please keep the vibes good, open, thoughtful & accepting in this space. anything else will be heroically escorted from the club, just like me in vegas that one time… :)

After you subscribe, you’ll be given instructions on how to join the group.
Subscription is a month to month based membership. You can cancel at any time and re-join anytime.